Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Little Slice of Heaven

There are many ways to be a caregiver. All of you are caregivers simply by virtue of following this blog and being part of our lives. Jon and I are caregivers at home. But Patrick, who is now the trek director at summer scout camp in the Colorado Rockies, is providing care in his own special way. For some time, Patrick has been a photographer with a special gift for framing outdoor scenes. The slideshow we’ve added includes photos from his camp experiences last year and so far this year. By sharing them with us each time he comes home for brief periods, we get to experience his world and God’s wonders. Susan envisions that this is what heaven will be like. Who could disagree?


Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures! I especially like the peaceful water pictures and the sunsets. That would be heaven for me. -Barb

NancyT said...

Dear Rob, Susan, Jon, and Patrick,
Thanks so much for sharing the lovely images. They were a blessing as are you all for sharing your lives with all of us.
We think of you, pray for you daily and send love and peace your way,
Nancy and John from choir